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There is Something for Everyone in the Paleo Diet

The term “paleo” is relatively new. It originated from the Paleolithic period of human evolution and coincides with the appearance of domesticated animals. These include sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, and the like. Humans were primarily hunter-gatherers at this time and relied on the fruits and other foods available in the wild to satisfy their animal […]

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A Comprehensive Guide to Get Started with Ketogenic Diet

If you are not quite sure what Ketogenic Diet is, it is a special diet regime based on low carb content. It’s dieting like no other in that ketones are secreted from the liver and are used to burn fat. This makes your body convert your body fat into ketones rather than carbohydrates and stored […]

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Lose Weight and Improve Your Health with The Paleo Diet

There are lots of advantages to eating paleo. One of the best advantages of eating paleo is that it supports your health. Your health can improve greatly by eating this diet, and you will also lose weight at the same time. People need to eat more than just meat in order to be healthy. When […]

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