
Control Your Emotion: Before It Controls You

Are you wondering how to control your emotions before they control you? 

One main thing that affects emotions is stress.  I for one know that when I get more stressed, I have a variety of emotions that show up.

When we are stressed, we get more emotional and we have the tendency to do the things that we shouldn’t. We are likely to make mistakes and to say and do things that we’d rather not. The bad news is that stress can actually increase the risk of cancer and heart disease.

It is very important to learn how to manage your stress and you manage your emotions so that you can avoid the damage that it can do to your body in the proper way. The good news is that we can learn some methods that help our emotions as we deal with stress and the damage that it can cause to our bodies. In this article, I’ll discuss a few of them.

Control Your Emotion: Before It Controls You

First, stress is often described as an emotion that can affect you in many ways. Some people believe that it affects them physically and we know that it affects our emotions. This could be the case, but it is not the only reason why you may experience stress. You may also experience stress emotionally.

Stress in itself can cause us to experience different ways of thinking and acting. It is possible for us to lose our ability to think clearly and make decisions because of stress.

It is important for us to know how stress affects us and therefore we should learn how to combat stress in order to prevent various physical ailments and diseases.

Some people smoke and think it actually helps them reduce stress but in reality, one way to keep your stress under control is to actually stop smoking.

Many studies have shown that smoking causes health problems to your body, but the bad news is that it can cause you to develop conditions such as cancer and heart disease. The good news is that quitting smoking will not only improve your health but will also decrease your stress levels. So if you are a smoker, the next time you feel the need to smoke, you should try to relax your mind and body and replace the nicotine with something that is more healthy.

One of the ways that you can be able to reduce your stress levels is to learn how to deal with unpleasant situations in different ways. For example, if you get angry, find ways to release that anger so you are not forced to use violence to solve a problem.

Controlling your emotions is one of the most common ways to reduce stress. Many people, when under stress, tend to become angry or aggressive.

If you are angry and find it increasing your stress, you should consider enrolling in an anger management class. Remember that you have to learn how to control your anger. Just controlling your anger will help relieve even more stress in your life. 

Control Your Emotion: Before It Controls You

Finally, Exercise: there are several exercises that you can do in order to manage your stress in the proper way. These can be done in the comfort of your own home or in your favorite place.  Sometimes just getting out in nature will help relieve your stress. 

Here are a few examples of exercise that are simple and can go a long way.

  1. walking: Just go for a walk.  I live on Kauai and I LOVE to just go walk along the beach with my feet in the sand and water.  It does wonders for my stress level and mindset 
  2. running:  I am NOT a runner but if you are, go for a short or long run
  3. swimming:  there is just something about the salt water that takes all my cares away when I go for  a swim in the ocean. 
  4. stretching:  I don’t do Yoga, but I do like to stretch and sometimes, just breathing and stretching helps me a lot 
  5. cycling: This is one of my favorite sports and easy enough to do to relieve stress. 

Lower your stress, lower your blood pressure. Exercise and get a good night’s sleep.

We hope you found some value in this article that has just touched on why it’s import to control your emotions before they control you.

Leave us a comment below about an effective way you have found to control your emotions.

Regina L Floyd

After developing a wheat and dairy allergy over the last few years, I decided to find better ways to eat to feel better. Although I DO eat meat, I often seek out GF Vegan diet to avoid dairy and eggs (my new allergy lately). I hope you enjoy the variety of articles shared here.

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