Acne is not just for teens. If you’ve ever had acne, then you must know how traumatic it is if left unattended. And because this nuisance manifests in our appearance, it can erode confidence in some folks. But make no mistake about it, the occurrence of acne is not a rare phenomenon, so when its […]
Drop Those Calories With This Amazing Guide
There are 3,500 calories in one pound of fat. Thus, if you cut back or work off just 3,500 calories, you will lose an entire pound of fat. While it is possible to cut back on your calorie intake and increase your workout plan in order to lose pounds quickly, it is important to note […]
There is Something for Everyone in the Paleo Diet
The term “paleo” is relatively new. It originated from the Paleolithic period of human evolution and coincides with the appearance of domesticated animals. These include sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, and the like. Humans were primarily hunter-gatherers at this time and relied on the fruits and other foods available in the wild to satisfy their animal […]
A Comprehensive Guide to Get Started with Ketogenic Diet
If you are not quite sure what Ketogenic Diet is, it is a special diet regime based on low carb content. It’s dieting like no other in that ketones are secreted from the liver and are used to burn fat. This makes your body convert your body fat into ketones rather than carbohydrates and stored […]
Discover the Benefits of Keto and Low-Carb Diets
When I first heard the term “keto”, I thought it was a new updated version of the Atkins diet. Actually, it is not. The Keto diet is a low-carb and high fat eating plan and it seems to be all the rage right now. The keto diet has been designed to help you lose weight […]
A Comprehensive Guide to Treat Back Pain
Back pain is not only pain felt in the back but may be caused by a number of different reasons. It’s not uncommon for the people in our lives to be the cause of some back pain as our bodies do reflect the stress we are under. It is important to take a proactive approach […]
Lose Weight and Improve Your Health with The Paleo Diet
There are lots of advantages to eating paleo. One of the best advantages of eating paleo is that it supports your health. Your health can improve greatly by eating this diet, and you will also lose weight at the same time. People need to eat more than just meat in order to be healthy. When […]
The Benefits of Following the Paleo Diet
Paleo eating is really a diet designed to help you lose weight. A lot of people don’t believe it, but the keyword here is “treat.” While not every Paleo diet will work for you, you will still need to pay attention to how you eat. You won’t lose weight just by eating whatever you want […]
Important Tips to Start a Keto Diet
Are you ready to start a ketogenic diet? If so, congratulations! The benefits that come with a low-carb diet are huge and you should get started. Below are some important tips on how to start a keto diet. Ketosis is the new wave of healthy living, with more people finding success with the lifestyle. It’s […]
Things to Know Before Starting a Keto Diet
Are there things you need to know when starting a keto diet? Even though there are different opinions on the effectiveness of ketogenic diets, many people who try it choose to continue to use it. Some experts even insist that this type of diet can help you lose weight and improve health. Most people try […]