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Arthritis: What You Need To Know

Arthritis, One of the most common conditions in the United States today is a debilitating inflammatory disease that affects our joints. It is estimated that there are over 100 different forms of this disease and over 40 million people suffer from one form or another. Though typically thought to be an affliction of the elderly, […]

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7 Common Allergies People Live With Daily

Theses days, it seems that allergies are even more common than ever before. It is estimated that about 60 million Americans suffer fromsome type of allergy. That’s 1 out of 4. Allergies are the 5th most common chronic disease in America and the 3rd most common chronic disease in children. Sadly, many people suffer from […]

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The Relation Between Diet And Gout

Could there really be a relationship between diet and gout? Gout is a very common disease among the elderly and people with weight problems. The disease predominantly affects men and it has the highest incidence among people with ages over 50. Although gout has a pronounced hereditary character, people who follow unhealthy diets are very […]

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The Importance of Health and Nutrition as You Age

Nutrition is known to interact with the process of aging in many ways. Nutrition problems of the older population are increased due to susceptibility to chronic disease, decreased organ function which may affect digestion and absorption, metabolism, and excretion of nutrients. Eighty percent of people over 65 suffer from at least one chronic disease and […]

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Get the Best Tips for Arthritis Treatments

What are the best tips for arthritis treatments?  Arthritis joint pain has a multitude of causes. It is possible to get arthritis joint pain from just about every aspect of your life, as there are many ways that arthritis pain can be caused. Arthritis is a very common medical condition in the United States and […]

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The Advantages of Protein Into Your Diet

According to the latest statistics, the obesity epidemic continues to grow worldwide and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. An astonishing 59.6% of Australian and New Zealand adults are overweight or obese, while 30% of Australian and New Zealand children are clinically overweight. More than half of the American population is overweight. Those who […]

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There is Something for Everyone in the Paleo Diet

The term “paleo” is relatively new. It originated from the Paleolithic period of human evolution and coincides with the appearance of domesticated animals. These include sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, and the like. Humans were primarily hunter-gatherers at this time and relied on the fruits and other foods available in the wild to satisfy their animal […]

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