
Why Fad Diets Do Not Work?

A fad diet is a term that describes an array of diet approaches used to temporarily lose weight through unsafe and unrealistic methods. Quick fix programs do not work, although millions of dollars are spent each year. These programs offer a quick loss of weight but sadly the weight is gained right back because people return to their old eating habits and old lifestyle.

There are many kinds of fad diets. Avoid those types of diets that recommend a certain nutrient, or combination of foods encouraging you to lose weight fast. Fad diets do not teach lifestyle habits for long-term weight management, they do not help people gain the will power to change a lifestyle with another.

Why Fad Diets Do Not Work?


Diets promoting a very-low-calorie system, approximately 1,000 to 1,500 calories per day, and with no exercise program cause the body to become less efficient at burning fat, making it easier to store fat and regained weight each time a diet is stopped. In the long run, this fad diets makes a person fatter instead of leaner. Ultimately these fad diets are not safe.

Only your weight and exercise level determines the number of calories that are right for your diet program and only healthy lifestyle habits will maintain long-term weight control. Healthy lifestyle habits include regular exercise, behavior modification, and a healthy, nutritious diet with a wide variety of foods.

People should be aware of their health problems before engaging in a diet program. All diets should include a warning to check with a specialist before starting diet.

Also, most fad diets make no mention of physical activity, which is essential in the process of weight loss and some of these diets can actually harm one’s health if not done under Doctors care. 

The majority of fad diets involve a 10 day to a 1-month period in which your diet is restricted to a select collection of bad-tasting, inconsistent health foods or recipes. Many fads diet even advise you to completely avoided fats but truth is, your body does need some fat to run efficiently.

The water loss you may experience from dieting, as well as cutting your food consumption will help you lose weight. And, as you continue to cut excess calories, your body starts working in order to keep up with the energy needs.

If you are not eating large amounts of fats in your diet, and sticking to healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, etc. your body doesn’t have the fats in food to burn and it will try to preserve the fat that it has in its store. And if you continue your diet up to a month or more,  your body will burn its stored fats which is ultimately that fat you do want to lose. 

After a period of 30 days on a fad diet,  you may be feeling weaker, and not  feel well and perform your normal functions because it requires a lot more effort  for your body to produce energy from fat rather than from muscle.

After a while on a diet, the dieter resumes normal eating habits but it will take some time before the reconstruction of your muscle occurs and during this time, the body stores most of the food intake as excess fats.

This is why, many times, dieters end up back to their initial weight,  gaining back the weight he lost in the starvation process and little more while on one fad diet or another. 

Why Fad Diets Do Not Work?

A healthy and balanced diet requires proper nutrition for the human body and it should contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, AND fats. An imbalanced fad type of diet may actually cause starvation mode or even create excessive reserves of body fat as the body works to protect itself.

This is why fad diets do not work.  To successfully lose weight and keep it off, you must find a way to cut calories, increase exercise and eat a healthy balanced diet that works best for your body. 

Why Fad Diets Do Not Work?

If you have found this article helpful in understanding why fad diets do not work, leave us a comment below. You can also contact me with any questions or comment.

Regina L Floyd

After developing a wheat and dairy allergy over the last few years, I decided to find better ways to eat to feel better. Although I DO eat meat, I often seek out GF Vegan diet to avoid dairy and eggs (my new allergy lately). I hope you enjoy the variety of articles shared here.

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