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5 Bogus Fat Loss Tips that Keep You from Your Goals

There are a lot of weight loss companies in the business that try to push bogus fat loss methods in hopes of making money. These fad diets come with fat loss tips that are simply untrue and unhealthy. These different fat loss tips may actually keep people from reaching their weight loss goals.

Take a look at these five bogus tips that will keep you from your goals. If you understand why these goals are incorrect, you will be able to figure out the best way to approach your own weight loss goals to see health and success.

Stop Eating

One of the most bogus tips that people throw around for weight loss is to stop eating. This advice could easily be classified as an eating disorder. You should realize that it is never healthy to drastically cut your calorie count. If you are attempting to eat less than 1000 calories a day, you are easily harming your body as you attempt to reach your goals.

Eat Three Meals a Day

Some people claim that if you eat three small meals a day, you will lose weight. Unfortunately, this perpetuates the same bad habits found by those who stop eating.

While it is important to eat small meals, it is also important to get enough food in your system every day. Instead, eat 5-7 small meals of healthy foods. You need the calories to be able to function and stay healthy.

Drink Diet Pops

When people try to cut out pop or soda from their diet, they often turn to diet pop. While this does help to remove sugar from your diet, it can cause you to gain weight. Recent studies have shown that the sugar substitutes in diet pop actually increase the appetite of those who consume it. Diet pop can actually cause you to be hungry.

You Can Lose Weight Without Exercise

There are multiple diets that claim to be a no-exercise diet. It is possible to lose weight just by diet changes alone. If you want to reach your weight loss goals, however, you need to add exercise into your daily routine.

Weight Loss Pills are the Key to Success

Weight loss pills are not silver bullets to weight loss. While they may help people to lose weight, they are by no means necessary or needed. These pills can be dangerous and should be avoided if possible.

Many fail to realize that the bogus fat loss tips that they rely on could cause them to lose weight. Many of these weight loss tips are simple ways to attempt to get people to purchase a product.

Take the time to think about your weight loss approach. If these tips are in your approach, consider the right way to change your lifestyle to lose weight. If you can avoid all of these tips and replace them with healthy alternatives, you will be able to lose weight.

Regina L Floyd

After developing a wheat and dairy allergy over the last few years, I decided to find better ways to eat to feel better. Although I DO eat meat, I often seek out GF Vegan diet to avoid dairy and eggs (my new allergy lately). I hope you enjoy the variety of articles shared here.

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