
Find the Best Exercises to Lose Weight


What are the best exercises to lose weight? Well, I think that depends on you and what you like to do. The best way to lose weight is to find the things you like to do and then do them as often as possible. Consistency is key. 

Find the Best Exercises to Lose Weight


First things first. You will need to talk to your doctor to find out what he recommends specifically for you, especially if you have any underlying health issues.  I personally my physician for food plan and I consult my chiropractor because I’m having issues with neck and back and even my feet. 

Make sure you talk to your doctor to find out what he recommends not only for your diet but also for your exercise routine.

After you’ve had a heart-to-heart with your doctor, you can then begin with your new workout plan. No matter how great your exercises to lose weight are, you will still need to eat the right kinds of food in the right amount.

Losing weight will be about more than just one element. To really get the most out of your weight loss efforts and to keep your body healthy you will need to eat right and get more exercise. Simple as that.

Ideally, you will want to combine two types of exercise: cardiovascular and resistance.

Both forms of exercise will allow you to get in better shape but you really want to do both.

Cardiovascular exercise will help you increase your heart and lung capacity as well as strengthen those muscles. Doing cardio on a regular basis can also allow you to lower your blood pressure and possibly reduce your risk of stroke and heart attack.

Resistance training will help your body in other ways. For one thing, if it’s done properly, there can be a cardio component to weight training too. If you do each rep slowly and smoothly you can increase your heart rate somewhat.

But, the biggest benefit of doing resistance training is that you can build up your lean muscle mass. Now, you must listen to this because it’s important, building lean muscle mass and “bulking up” are two totally different things.

Unless you are a man, a genetic anomaly, or you take drugs you won’t bulk up “accidentally”. But what you can do by adding more lean muscle is allowed your metabolism to burn hotter all day every day and that can result in more weight loss no matter where you are or what you are doing.

Having some lean muscle mass will also help you appear slimmer since the muscle will kind of “cinch” in your waist. It sort of acts like an all-over girdle.

Find the Best Exercises to Lose Weight

Adding a solid diet full of lean protein and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sleep, and doing your workout is the best way to get a great body more quickly.

To get the most out of your fitness efforts and to find the best exercises to lose weight, you should talk to your doctor first then combine both cardiovascular and resistance training. That way you can build the body of your dreams.

Find the Best Exercises to Lose Weight

Finding the best exercises to lose weight depends on a variety of factors and it is up to you to figure them out. I live in Hawaii, near the beach, and with a gorgeous tropical climate most of the year.

There are some challenges. I can’t swim in the ocean year around because of ocean conditions, brown water issues after rain. I can’t always ride my bike on the roadways due to road conditions and type of roads (think narrow country roads with no shoulder).

Believe it or not, I actually have a bike trainer for rainy days. I have a rain jacket in my car for rain on my walks. Sadly though, I’m having foot problems so I have to find ways to exercise without being on my feet due to pain.

Leave me a comment below with some workouts and eating plans you have found effective to help you lose weight.

You can always contact me with questions or comments.

Regina L Floyd

After developing a wheat and dairy allergy over the last few years, I decided to find better ways to eat to feel better. Although I DO eat meat, I often seek out GF Vegan diet to avoid dairy and eggs (my new allergy lately). I hope you enjoy the variety of articles shared here.

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