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Eat Well to Boost Metabolism And Lose Weight

Does eating well really boost metabolism and lose weight? We think so and science has come around in support of a healthy breakfast. In this article you’ll find three breakfast recipes to add some variety to your meals, while giving your body the much needed vitamins and antioxidants helping it perform well all throughout the […]

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There is Something for Everyone in the Paleo Diet

The term “paleo” is relatively new. It originated from the Paleolithic period of human evolution and coincides with the appearance of domesticated animals. These include sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, and the like. Humans were primarily hunter-gatherers at this time and relied on the fruits and other foods available in the wild to satisfy their animal […]

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Lose Weight and Improve Your Health with The Paleo Diet

There are lots of advantages to eating paleo. One of the best advantages of eating paleo is that it supports your health. Your health can improve greatly by eating this diet, and you will also lose weight at the same time. People need to eat more than just meat in order to be healthy. When […]

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Health Uncategorized

Losing Weight Rapidly: How To Get It Done

Have you been wondering about losing weight rapidly and how to actually get it done? Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is an ambition of many, and many people have succeeded in sculpting their physiques and reached a goal weight.  The achieved results however, are not attained overnight or by skipping just one meal.  And […]

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What You Should Know About Paleo Diet

Paleo is simply the latest diet fad. In the past decade, there has been a tremendous increase in interest in low-carb diets. Unfortunately, there are some misconceptions about the Paleo diet that confuse the public about the principles and terminology of this weight loss plan. Here are a few of the most common misconceptions about […]

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The Difference Between Atkins and Ketogenic Diet

There are some distinct differences between Atkins and Ketogenic diets. To give you a short introduction to both, let’s compare and contrast the two diets. We will then explore how you can use this information to make your diet a success. The main difference between Atkins and Ketogenic diets is the source of energy that […]

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Ways To Start Losing Weight Right This Minute

Are you looking for ways to start losing weight right this minute? In developed nations, the number of people who are overweight is steadily growing. Sedentary lifestyles and access to unending amounts of food has created an epidemic of weight gain especially in the US. If you struggle with weight gain,  you can take control […]

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