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A Comprehensive Guide to Get Started with Ketogenic Diet

If you are not quite sure what Ketogenic Diet is, it is a special diet regime based on low carb content. It’s dieting like no other in that ketones are secreted from the liver and are used to burn fat. This makes your body convert your body fat into ketones rather than carbohydrates and stored […]

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Gluten Free Health

Here’s Your Perfect Guide to Doing the Ketogenic Diet

You may have heard the term Ketogenic Diet, but do you know what it means? The keto diet is a diet that recommends the consumption of an amount of fat and carbohydrate that is equal to or lower than the one we typically consume. This is great for those who are trying to burn their […]

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What You Should Know About Keto Diet for Your Health

Have you tried the “keto diet” yet?  With the ongoing popularity of the ketogenic diet, many people are asking how they can lose weight with the keto diet. This article will talk about the various types of foods and eating habits that can be used to help lose weight with the keto diet. There are […]

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