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Health Uncategorized

Losing Weight Rapidly: How To Get It Done

Have you been wondering about losing weight rapidly and how to actually get it done? Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is an ambition of many, and many people have succeeded in sculpting their physiques and reached a goal weight.  The achieved results however, are not attained overnight or by skipping just one meal.  And […]

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Weight Lifting and Diet for Effective Weight Loss

What does weight lifting and diet for effective weight loss really mean? If you are anything like the average American male(or female), your body retains your excess calories as fatty tissues. Why? Eating large burgers, fries, and liters of soda is not exactly healthy. Watching sports, day time drama or Netflix all day doesn’t exactly […]

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What You Should Know About Paleo Diet

Paleo is simply the latest diet fad. In the past decade, there has been a tremendous increase in interest in low-carb diets. Unfortunately, there are some misconceptions about the Paleo diet that confuse the public about the principles and terminology of this weight loss plan. Here are a few of the most common misconceptions about […]

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The Difference Between Atkins and Ketogenic Diet

There are some distinct differences between Atkins and Ketogenic diets. To give you a short introduction to both, let’s compare and contrast the two diets. We will then explore how you can use this information to make your diet a success. The main difference between Atkins and Ketogenic diets is the source of energy that […]

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